It won't all be work and no play! Exceptional networking events are planned, giving you the opportunity to build rock-solid relationships with industry partners and broaden your horizons while mingling with fellow network members.
Dress Code: Casual
Start Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Lorikeet Beach, Novotel Twin Waters Resort
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Start Time: 6pm
Transfers: Buses depart The Novotel Reception from 5:15pm
Celebrate our network on the final night of SHINE 2023 with a little glamour, award announcements, plenty of dancing and of course our charity fundraiser. A night not to be missed!
Dress Code: Cocktail, with a touch of colour!
Start Time: Pre-dinner drinks & canapes from 6.00pm
Location: Minyama Room, Novotel Twin Waters Resort